Sue R. Cons

6 de set de 20191 min

Evento para professores de Inglês que trabalham com crianças

Atualizado: 7 de abr de 2020

A LINK for Education promove, no dia 28 de Setembro, o workshop entitulado "Teaching young learners". O evento é focado em professores de Língua Inglesa que trabalham com crianças de 5 a 12 anos.

Vamos deixar a descrição, em inglês, abaixo para que você, se estiver interessado, já possa conferir os detalhes desse workshop de formação continuada (CPD).

If you are a teacher who is interested in improving your teaching skills and knowledge in teaching Very Young Learners and Young Learners (5 to 12 years old) this workshop is for you!


This session aims at providing teachers with a wide repertoire of techniques and practical activities, such as games, songs, books and videos that will make your classes more enjoyable and productive. It intends to develop participants' understanding of children's language acquisition and awareness of real class management and plan your classes according to their age, based on theories and different approaches, but mainly on real practice in ELT.

Course Content

Characteristics of YLs and Language Acquisition of L2;Considerations before teaching: appropriate language and activities;Games for different purposes and skills: Listening-Speaking, Reading-Writing;Dealing with emotions: tantrums, bad behavior, crying and others;How to tell and retell stories in a fun and meaningful way;Routine vs new elements.
